39 and counting

I'm 39, and will be 40 in just a little over 6 months.  Most people hate thinking about their age as they are getting older.  Until recently, that wasn't me.  I've always looked younger than my age, and so I looked forward to aging another year, and I never thought I'd have a problem turning 40.  Until this year.  For some reason, my body has a lot more aches and pains than I once had.  I have a harder time sleeping at night, and I find certain foods give me a lot of indigestion.  I wasn't sure that I wanted to get older.  But regardless of what I think or want, I can't control the aging process.  So I'm going to embrace it!

As some of my friends have turned 40, they have set goals such as compete in a triathlon, or run a big race.  I'm not sure I'm ready to compete in a triathlon (although our stake is hosting one in 2 weeks, so maybe). And I've already run a few half marathons (today being my 6th!), so I'm not sure that's a super special goal.  I definitely do not want to run a marathon.  Maybe that will change one day.

So I decided I would do something else big.  Because you either go big or you go home! I'm going to set 40 goals for 40 years.  I'm setting 40 goals that have to do with 40 somethings.  For example, I'm going to read 40 books (this one is going to be a huge one!). I'm going bake 40 loaves of bread, go on 40 dates with my family (this counts as dates with Will, individual dates with my kids, or family dates). There are so many things that I'm already doing, that just need little tweaks, and so I've been able to do some pretty mundane things, but also, some bigger things.  I'm trying to make each goal (because let's face it, there are 40 of them) manageable, but also things that I can work on, and will take work.  Wish me luck! I'm still working on the goals.  I have about 22 so far, and once I have all 40, I'll include them.  I hope this will give me a place to keep track of my successes, and enjoy the next 6 months of being in my 30s.  
